Spring Break Camp Registration Open!

Our Spring Break Camps will run from 10am-12pm M-F, March 10th-14th.

Color Pour Resin Starter Kit

Type: Retail
Create custom jewelry, trinket dishes, and so much more with the Color Pour Resin collection! This kit is perfect for getting started on all your favorite projects--jewelry, paperweights, coasters, and so much more. This kit comes with everything you'll need: 6X8 inch wooden panel, 4-oz resin, 4-oz hardener, 5 resin colorants, 2 pairs of gloves, 1 artist guidebook, 1 pair of tweezers, 10 plastic cups, 10 wooden stir sticks, 1 plastic drop cloth, 1 jar gold metallic mica powder, and 3 packets of glitter.